Daily Energize
Your 5 day a week podcast to get a jolt of energy a quick tip to help you live your life to the max!
890 episodes
Today's episode is about clutter. Like stuff all around you. The clutter on the desk in your house, in your mind. Oh yeah, that kind of clutter too. When I was doing that live for the energy vampire hunt challenge, I was mainly talking about th...
Season 1
Episode 882
Today's focus is all about serenity. Serenity. What does that mean to you?
Season 1
Episode 881
What's Stopping You?
A question I have for you today, I've asked you a couple questions this week. This one is what's stopping you? What's stopping you from shining as bright as possible?
Season 1
Episode 880
Have you ever forgotten something? Like maybe you forgot a meeting or a call that you're going to have or that you were supposed to be somewhere at a certain time or maybe you just forgot where your keys or phone are.
Season 1
Episode 879
What Story?
Today's episode is, well, came up from yesterday's episode as I was thinking about topics and ideas I wrote yesterday's and then I got to be thinking about today's topic. And that is, what story are you telling yourself?
Season 1
Episode 878
Let Go and Grow
Today I'm going to challenge you to thank another person. Thank another person for being in your life, whether they're in it a lot or a little, just thank them for being them and being part of your life.
Season 1
Episode 877
What If
Today's episode is all about what ifs. Now, I don't know about you, but I generally dislike what ifs, as a general rule, and maybe that comes from me being a teacher, because I remember the first day of every semester, of every year, I would go...
Season 1
Episode 876
Living in Gratitude
Today, it's just about living with gratitude. Now if you've been part of our Energizer family, in the Energy Hub for some time, you've probably noticed we do these five-day positivity challenges.
Season 1
Episode 875
3 Signs You're ready For A Breakthrough
Are you ready to break through and shine bright as possible to obliterate those walls? Not even just dissolve them, but you're just, we're gonna blow them up and kingdom come and there'll be nothing left. Not even a little bit, so it'll just be...
Season 1
Episode 874
Today I just want to check in. I want to check in with you, my family. How are you doing? Are you doing good? Are you having a good week? You struggling? Are you feeling lots of positives or lots of stuff weighing on you?
Season 1
Episode 873
Today's episode, my intention was to do breath work. And we will, but it's going to be different than I initially planned. And not that you even knew what I initially planned, but I'll tell you, I was initially thinking of doing like some box b...
Season 1
Episode 872
Positive Surroundings
Today's episode is actually, it's not about that, but conditional happiness is always a bonus. It's you are surrounding yourself with positive things. Positive content, positive people, positive surroundings. Is it something that is helping you...
Season 1
Episode 871
3 Tips to Reclaim Your Energy
Today's episode, if you haven't figured it out or read the title of it yet, is three tips to reclaim your energy because there are times in our days and in our life when we lose, well, we don't lose our energy.
Season 1
Episode 870
Meditate with Me
I thought that this episode would be kind of fun. We haven't done this in a while. Let's just do a gentle quick meditation. So, whether you are just at home, you're at work, driving, take these couple minutes for you and meditate.
Season 1
Episode 869
Conditional Happiness
Today's episode is about conditional happiness I had an epiphany yesterday Literally yesterday. I had this epiphany I was listening to an audiobook by Vision I Can't remember his last name. He's the owner of Mind Valley. Awesome resource to hav...
Season 1
Episode 868
Celebrate with Me
Today I wanted to celebrate the fact that I finished the first draft of my fourth book. And I'm super, super excited for this book. And we're already working on editing it and getting through it.
Season 1
Episode 867
Visualize Your Week
Today, I want you to visualize your weekend. So, we're going to discuss it and kind of guide us through for a short little visualization for this week. But it's not going to be necessarily a meditation, but we're going to talk about it and give...
Season 1
Episode 866
What Worked
Today's episode, however, is looking at this last week. I want you to reflect from, let's say, Monday through today. Take a moment, think about what worked well for you. What did you do that worked really well for you?
Season 1
Episode 865
Distancing Someone
I distance myself, that's what I want to talk about today and how we distance ourselves from that person.
Season 1
Episode 864
Watch Out
Today's episode is a little different than other ones and as you probably already saw the topic theme is keep an eye out and I just well, I was inspired to have this episode based on some Events that has happened in my life over the last couple...
Season 1
Episode 863
Merry Christmas
From my family to yours, Merry Christmas! Have a beautiful day and don't forget to shine your light!
Disappointment sucks. It's hard when we're hoping for something to go a certain way, and it doesn't. Maybe we're expecting something, and it doesn't happen and then we're disappointed. Well, I'm going to chat about that real quick because it is...
Season 1
Episode 862